

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Into February and hoping for better weather

 It's finally February and tomorrow is when that groundhog will predict the weather. I must say, whatever he sees, it's been a dreary winter already. All this cold weather hasn't been pleasant as I end up at home and binge watch tv and eat too much. I'm ready for spring and warmer temperatures, to get outside and play in the dirt, where I can put down flowers, tomatoes, and a few zucchini plants, or summer squash. I need to walk, to burn up this weight I've gained since Covid hit. I sure hope that comes to an end soon. Just like this cold weather. We might get some sleet this week, on Thursday, along with rain. I cancelled my eye doctor appointment as I don't want to leave home to drive twenty five minutes into the city. I'll just stay home and watch it come down through the window. And stay warm. I hope this month isn't as dreary as the last. We'll see. In the meantime, I'll continue to edit and blog. It's good practice and keeps me away from binge watching tv and eating mindlessly.